About Volunteering
About Helping Out with Learning at Taman Petanu
Thanks so much for your interest in volunteering at Taman Petanu. Its really great to see so much enthusiasm and interest about the neighborhood's development ! TPEN is only able to receive volunteers who either Indonesian Citizens and / or are able to organize and pay for the costs of their volunteer visa as per Indonesian Immigration regulations.
Taman Petanu is currently in the planning and development stages - planning designs and building some homes, while fine tuning our site's eco-technology systems for the neighborhoods common facilities. Here are some answers to the questions that people generally ask us about in regards to volunteering...
How can I be involved?
Taman Petanu is currently open to inquiries about specific activities / roles that relate to the planning and design stage of development that we are now in. The type of skills / interests that are a good match for this stage of the neighborhoods development include:
Permaculture design and planning
Small enterprise / cooperative / business planning
Documentation (photography and filmmaking)
Community / children’s waste management education
ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers
If you feel any of the above are a good match for you, please send us an email, specifying your specific skills and areas of interest.
Recommended skills
Admin: E-mail, Web Browsing, Google Docs, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)
Language: Indonesian, Balinese
Specialized skills: Permaculture experience, Farming, Film, Photography, Editing, Journalism
Feel free to contact us should you have other questions, and thanks again for your interest!
Have a great day :)