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Donation Update : End Of November 2012
To be able to make this program a reality your help and support is very much needed
As well as the direct contributions that have been made by the Taman Petanu Members themselves, a work group has been established as part of the TPEN Heart Group to continue to share the fantastic work that is being done by the Living Classroom program.There are some incredible, heart-centred people out there supporting our work and to date, we have raised over US$5,500.To you all (and you know who you are), we owe our deepest gratitude, for without your generosity this much needed project would not have got off the ground.I guess you could say we are taxiing down the runaway at present, soon to launch ourselves skywards, so fasten your seat belts folks, we are about to make a difference in a lot of people’s lives.Through the extraordinary kind-heartedness of one of our supporters and donors, we will have a recycled wooded building to serve as our Living Classroom Learning Centre, where we will conduct briefings, training, seminars on healthy living, waste management, growing organic crops and vegetables, permaculture and other topics that support our vision of a new Bali and our new world.
Add our little organic cafe, serving healthy, light snacks, yummy drinks and this will be a great place to meet, learn and grow. Below is an example of the type and layout of the proposed Learning Centre building.
This wonderful program provides opportunities for building life long friendships, and cross-cultural sharing, filling some in some of the gaps that rapid globalization has created with mutual, shared vision for a better, healthier, more understanding and caring world of inspired global citizens.
We have our eye on some land, which will be perfect for the Learning Center, due to its proximity to the Taman Petanu Eco-Neighborhood, who are the originators of this project.
Funds raised are at US$5,500 at the end of November 2012.
So sit back, enjoy the ride and don’t forget to visit this site for regular updates.
Please join us in making this important project a reality! We look forward to making this dream come true with you….